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Sep 21, 2005


Dan Wickett

One of two titles I was pretty sure were included in the nominees thanks to Ed's clues - if I recall, this is the one that had a David Mitchell blurb (Thanks Max).

Sounds interesting!


Jozef Imrich

How true, OGIC, all we need is love and a family filled with a higher purpose ...,6121,1247304,00.html


"I was always aware of the potential for truth-telling that existed in any form of artwork – painting, music, the written word, cinema. In any of these art forms you could do things that – because they told the truth about existence - could offend the powerful who had heavy investments in lies." - Nadeem Aslam (

There are plenty of brave books. Plenty of poetic books. Too few brave and poetic books.

A Discriminating Reader

Well, it just seems that you've been beguiled once again by those 'poor' immigrants, who cannot and will not assimilate. Yes, the father seems all gung ho. But when the going gets tough, I bet I know the direction he will go.

This writer has brought his terrible culture with him, makes honor killings some kind of metaphor for immigrants unable to assimilate.

What is this supposed to mean? “the eye that in the adult sees the rough material for metaphors and similes all around it, comparing one thing with another, that eye was already half open in the child.”

Just because a writer writes in ‘metaphors’ doesn’t make it a good book.

Now, why not just start another LIVE AID concert for honor killings and home-bound Muslim wives…

I suppose you think that Sulman Rushdi is a great writer too.

So much for English literature.

Cara Fletcher

I'll definitely buy htis book and will trakc the destiny of Shamas and Kaukab.I am sure they had been devoted husbands and loving fathers.


I would defintely recommend this book, i can totally understans and relate to the story being a pakistani muslim and living abroad.

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