Just a reminder: Tomorrow the LBC welcomes Yannick Murphy, author of Here They Come, to the site (*cough* spoonbending anecdotes, please *cough*). On Thursday, return for her interview with Dan Wickett. And Friday, there’ll be a fab Segundo podcast for you to listen to in the cubby.
One last discussion note: From the start, I’ve been confidently noting that the novel’s narrator goes unnamed. Today a person connected to the book kindly reminded me that she does, in fact, get named once in the novel:
I’m the one who shops and I’ve got ten bucks for two days to feed the five of us. Polly at the A & P knows I’ve only ever got ten bucks and she says “How ya doing, Smitty?” Then she passes through a bunch of my items without ringing them up and gives me a wink. I even come home with change. Tom does it too, but his nose is huge and red and usually has a ripe white pimple on it, so I don’t like to stand on his line, but like I said, he’ll do it too and not charge me for some items and wink when he’s packing the bags and call me Smitty.
So is her name really Smitty or is it a nickname this guy just calls her? I'm still not sure. Maybe Yannick will answer...
Posted by: Gwenda | May 24, 2006 at 06:52 AM
I believe it's a nickname
Posted by: Dan Wickett | May 24, 2006 at 06:55 AM
My own theory is that it's probably either her last name or a play on it.
Posted by: CAAF | May 24, 2006 at 07:01 AM
Make that four for the nickname theory. Yeah, I'm so not willing to concede I might wrong about something.
Posted by: Kassia | May 24, 2006 at 08:00 AM
Well, given that the names of the other children in the house are unexceptional (i.e., no Apples or Bluebells), it seems unlikely that the mother would have looked upon her newborn babe and said, "You I shall call Smitty."
But I love it as a nickname, last-name play. It fits something pugnacious in her.
Posted by: CAAF | May 24, 2006 at 08:26 AM
Does anyone remember the scene where the slut is looking through the phonebook and trying to call the girls? She looks through all the "Smiths". "Smitty" is just a nickname all the girls might have, as well as the brother. It's Cal's last name in the book. I originally had it as "Murph" which is what Tom the grocery store guy really called us. But then I became afraid that my family members wouldn't want me to mention our real last name. Cat's outta the bag now!
Posted by: YannickMurphy | May 24, 2006 at 11:39 AM
Thanks for the posting.there is something very unique and enjoyable about.
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